Furthered Education

Hi Guys. I am Lorenda Howell, here creating an experience to tell your story the right way through stress-free event planning. Let’s talk about that one time David and I hung out and laughed to no end. 


Yeah, I wish lol. I actually met Mr. Tutera when I went to Wedding MBA for the first time in October 2019. This was my first wedding/event industry conference and my first investment in furthering my education.

I consider seminars, conferences, books, business retreats, online courses and webinars or anything that provides more accurate knowledge, as furthered education. Some of the books I have chosen to read this year for educational purposes are “Start with Why” by Simon Sinek, “Never Split the Difference” by Christopher Voss & Tahl Raz, “Building a Storybrand” by Donald Miller and “Redefine Your Wedding Business” by Andrea Eppolito are just a few. I have also taken online courses designed by many of these authors.

The reality is as a wedding planner there is no degree involved. Most planners that do have college degrees, they aren't even in a related field. My degree is in Business Administration. It helps me on the business side of things, but does that help me be a better planner? Eh, depending on who you ask, because if you are not a business owner and you just work as a planner for a larger company, the degree wouldn't hold much weight for you. 

Don't get me wrong. I am not saying anyone or everyone can be a planner. It takes a very specific skill set to do what I do and do it effectively and excel at it.

This is why I believe so strongly in further education. I commit to reading 1-2 books per month that will help my business in some way. Maybe it just helps me view the world differently, but in regards to my business it helps me view it in a way that is more innovative, which will allow me to be go further for my clients.

Regardless of what type of education interests you, never stop learning, because when you stop learning you stop growing.


Always Dream Bigger.

-David Tutera


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